Saturday, March 17, 2007

Random photos

San Lorenzo market
San Lorenzo Medici Chapella
San Lorenzo-Church of the Medici
More market
More PDA for the coffee table book!

I'm putting in some random photos, because honestly, all that about the damned Permesso di Soggiorno was stressful as hell. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just started your book and found this site as well. OMG - there are so many things you and I found to be wonderful/unique....the tomatoes! and the PDA's were also one of my favorite things - I love it!! I have a great shot of one couple in Rome in full hug/kiss. We most certainly don't see enough of that here in the U.S. I even saw more birds kissing than I've ever seen here! Ah...Amore!
Carroll (friend of Doug/Geri)